COVID-19 Office Guidelines
Over the weekend the Illinois Department of Public Health gave Dental and Orthodontic offices the green light to start seeing patients as long as they follow strict safety guidelines.
These guidelines include but not limited to:
Health Pre-Screening
A mask is REQUIRED by anyone entering our building!
Taking patient and parent temperature
Limiting the number of patients we see on a daily basis
Limit the use of dental hand pieces as it creates aerosol or spray
Regular Visits Resume
We will be working to reschedule all cancelled visits as soon as possible. Appointments will be scheduled on a priority basic based on cancellation date.
All appointments will be scheduled for 30 minutes where we will assess the patient needs, repair anything that is needed and preform an adjustment for braces patients and eval needs for Invisalign patients.
Patients That were Scheduled for BRACES TO BE REMOVED. We are working to do several "Debond" mornings where we will focus on removing braces only. More detailed information regarding this appointment and retainers will be sent once you are scheduled.
Our Treatment Coordinators will be in touch with all new patients and patients that are ready to get started with their orthodontic treatment. For new patients we can schedule a virtual or in-office visit.
We are taking a different approach to re-scheduling appointments at this time.
An appointment date and time will be chosen for each patient. A text and email will be sent to you with the appointment information. We encourage you to keep this appointment and adjust your schedule accordingly. Having to pick another date or time will cause delays in getting in to see us. This is a temporary way of scheduling to ensure we get everyone scheduled in a timely manner.
Below are the office Text Numbers. Please keep them in your phone as they will be our main source of communication especially for appointments. Most of our communication will be via text as it is convenient and FAST! We have many patients to communicate with and while we would love to talk and catch up with you we want to be able to answer questions, schedule appointments in the fastest way possible!
Arlington Heights Text #: 844-262-4693
Park Ridge Text #: 844-264-0740
We ask for your continued patience while we work to get everyone in a timely manner while still observing safety guidelines. We have again listed our safety guidelines below as you will receive them prior to all appointments and you will be asked to consent to them via text.
If you have any questions, please text us!